Our mission

Our mission is preaching the gospel, making end times disciples, revival, personal, national and global increase of God’s kingdom in our lives, homes, and nations.  We live out our destiny through faith.

What we do

We build God’s Kingdom on earth through preaching the gospel, planting churches and providing comprehensive education in doctrinal foundations and discipleship.  Our congregation is rooted in God’s truth, faith and love.  Our goal is to establish sound doctrine, as we believe that God’s love and faith must be established on a foundation of God’s principles.  We oppose dead religious traditions as they hinder spiritual growth. Our lives have been transformed by God’s truth and love. Therefore, our churches put strong emphasis on God’s principles, love and power, as means to transform and liberate lives. Our goal is to empower each person to manifest the life of God in their own lives and in their environment.
We are a registered church organisation. Church of Power is the head church in a large federation of a network of churches, called Camp of God. Our churches are located in Poland and in other countries around the world (more: Camp of God and Registry of churches).

What we believe  

One God

We believe in one true God, creator of heaven and earth. He has revealed Himself as the Father, Son of God (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit


We believe that the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and we accept it as the foundational authority for faith and life.

Substitutionary atonement

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who died on the cross for each person and each person can be saved.

Jesus is the way

We believe that Jesus Christ is absolutely they only way to God.

The completeness of salvation

We believe that each person who is born again has the right and access to freedom from all consequences of sin, such as: oppression, defeat, rejection, poverty, lack of purpose. Divine healing and restoration are provided for in the atonement. Each born-again person has access to the grace and power of God, through faith, and can lead a sanctified, victorious and Christ-centred life.

Saved by grace

We believe that we are saved by grace through faith in the person of Jesus Christ and in His death and resurrection. Everyone is born spiritually dead and they need to be born again through the Holy Spirit. Anyone can be restored to fellowship with God through repenting, believing and receiving Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.


We believe in water baptism by immersion, in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


We believe in the power of the Gospel and are committed to ongoing and faithful preaching of the Gospel to all creation. We believe in the priesthood of each born-again person as the Ambassador of Christ.

Our activities 

We provide comprehensive and practical education for pastors and leaders around the world.
We provide coherent and functioning Christian doctrines.
We are keenly focused on training end times disciples.
We believe that preaching the gospel is the cornerstone of all our outreach activities.
We are committed to preaching the gospel. We do so through all possible channels of communication.
We support evangelisation efforts in Poland and in different countries around the world.

We have established and supported numerous children’s homes around the world.

We are actively involved in helping those in need. We provide humanitarian aid to people in Africa. We support war refugees from Ukraine.

You can be part of it

Kościół Chrześcijan Pełnej Ewangelii „Obóz Boży”
bank: PKO Bank Polski SA Chapter 1 in Plonsk
account No: PL 71 1020 1592 0000 2302 0319 8389
title of payment: (eg.) help for Ukraine